Acquiring ⚗️ & Adding Liquidity
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Ever traded coins on uniswap? If so you know how to do this already.
Head to Swap $MIST on Uniswap
Connect MetaMask wallet
You should see something like this:
Enter the amount of ⚗️ you wish to purchase, ensuring you have an equivalent value of ETH remaining to use for the subscribing
Hit "Swap", make necessary approvals via MetaMask, wait for the transaction to complete
mistX has the ability to let you increase the success rate of a transaction by clicking the Setting icon and choosing to pay a higher transaction fee.
Navigate to to view pending transactions and all tokens associated with your account.
if you use MetaMask you can click the triple dots and then "View on Etherscan" to jump to it:
You should see your new ⚗️ displayed like the following:
Ever provided liquidity on Uniswap? If so you know how to do this already.
Crucible only supports the Uniswap V2 Liquidity Pool. Adding liquidity to the Uniswap V3 pool is not compatible with the Rewards Program.
Head to Add LP to $MIST on Uniswap V2
Connect MetaMask wallet if not already done so
You should see something like this:
Enter the amounts you want to stake. Both sides need to be equal value, so changing one will change the other. You most likely just want to click the "MAX" button on the ⚗️ side
Hit "Stake" or "Supply", make necessary approvals via MetaMask, wait for the transaction to complete
You should see your new LP tokens (named UNI-V2) on Etherscan again: